The original NJS4E forum launched in January 2004 and was the first online community dedicated to New Jack Swing on the planet. Between 2005 and 2008, the forum became a worldwide phenomenon for fans of New Jack Swing, and was the place to be to get the latest news, discover new (old) music, and form new connections. However, with the growing popularity of social media (think: MySpace, Facebook), the forum format eventually faded, and we migrated to a Facebook group.

But after some major technical work behind the scenes, we were able to piece together as much as we could from the original NJS4E forum database and we’re picking up from a few years earlier than where we left off (Nov 2007) and a lot of the old stuff is still here! So come on in, let’s see if we can keep this party going. It’s like Teddy Riley said at the end of “Groove Me” … it ain’t over… the party’s not over!!
See you at the Forum

Andrew Knyte